I live in Hungary (which is a member of the European Union), and I obtained Skyrim on a disk - which registered on Steam. However the now available Dawguard dlc is not offered on a disk, and I also cannot buy on Steam because of regional restrictions. Therefore I cannot obtain it legally.
1, I would like to inquire whether there is some hope to get some resolution to this - in my opinion - preposterous and stupid situation that Bethesda and Valve created
2, I would like to suggest that you should introduce a special policy regarding regional restrictions and Steamworks, or you will meet with platform segmentation issues. In this case, I am forced to use Steam, but cannot buy the game on Steam. I cannot buy parts of the game at all, although I know that they are available. In my opinion, this is absurd.
3, No matter how this is Bethesda's fault, this situation does tarnish Steam's and Valve's reputation, because you are allowing this to happen.
Please do treat this as a friendly suggestion. I know that you possibly cannot help with this situation, and I very much like Steam when it works. However lending a helping hand for trade restrictions will not only lower gamers' (including my) respect for your service, but also create platform segmentation and other issues.
Best Regards:
Balazs Szemes
Hello Balazs,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
Unfortunately, this game is not currently available in your territory from Steam.
We are unable to release any information on whether this game will be made available in your area.
Please refer to the Steam store for all news and information on the availability of this game on Steam.
The Steam storefront can be found through the following link:
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Ügyfélszolgálat, az.